Powerful Salt Healing Remedies for Health & Well-Being

Have you ever wondered why you felt sooo relaxed and rejuvenated after a day at the beach?

That’s because of the powerful benefits of salt in the sea & air. Salt has several proven benefits for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

The three types of salts for personal use that we can recommend are:

Epsom Salt: Natural ingredients of magnesium and sulfur to soothe sore muscles & use as a natural exfoliation.

Dead Sea Salt: Salt from the dead sea that is known to heal skin issues. Also known to absorb negativity.

Pink Himalayan Salt: Purest form of salt used for purification, contains 84 essential minerals, helps with respiratory issues and boosts immunity.

Salt has been used as a powerful & natural cleansing agent because it has the ability to absorb negative energy.

You can avail the powerful benefits of salt in sooooo many ways.

Here are a few powerful remedies on how you can avail the benefits of salt.

1. Purify the Air Around you with a Himalayan Salt Lamp: Purifies the air around you and neutralizes electromagnetic radiation, also promotes better sleep.

2. Soothe Muscle Tension through Epsom Salt Water Bath: Combine a mixture of the 3 salts recommended above or simply 1, and soak for 30 minutes whilst relaxing and meditating. Epsom salt is used for sports recovery and the natural magnesium ingredient source releases muscle tension.

3. Remove Negativity from Your Aura with a Foot Soak in Dead Sea Salt Water: The dead sea salt removes any negativity from your energy field which affects your thoughts & emotions.

4. Cleanse the Negativity from your home: Dissolve sea salt with a spray bottle and spritz away the areas around your home or office, you can also add a bit of aromatherapy to the water. This will clear the energy of your space & bring in positive vibes.

Written By Soniyaa Kiran Punjabi on behalf of Shop by Illuminations


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